Carol Inglesby

December 13, 1936 – June 18, 2023
Carol Inglesby passed away on June 18, 2023, at the age of 86, in Lynnwood, WA.
Carol was born in Seattle to George and Ellen Hartle and graduated from Queen Anne High School in 1954. She had a younger sister, Mary, whom she remained close to throughout her life. In 1955 Carol married Dave Inglesby (also from Queen Anne), her husband of 66 years who passed away in 2021. They raised two daughters, Karen and Pamela, in Ballard.
Carol was a preschool teacher for many years, initially in Ballard, then as the first employee of the Wonderland Cooperative Preschool in Shoreline which served young children with disabilities. In the early 1980s she and Dave moved to Lancaster, California, where he had been offered a new position by Boeing. Carol started her second career there, as a tax preparer for H&R Bloch. She continued this work after Dave retired, when they moved to Sequim, WA, where they lived until 2020.
Carol’s hobbies included gardening, quilting, birdwatching, bridge, golf, baseball and movies. She made beautiful quilts for family and friends, organized women’s bridge and golf events in Sequim, and spent many winters in Arizona rooting for her beloved Mariners at their spring training games.
Carol and Dave shared a love of travel. When their daughters were young, the family took frequent camping trips and also visited Hawaii, San Francisco and Disneyland. Later, Dave’s work with Boeing took the couple to New York and Michigan as well as California. After retirement, Carol and Dave explored the U.S. and Canada in their travel trailer, and explored South America, Central America and Europe. (Carol was delighted to see the famous ferris wheel from her favorite movie, “The Third Man,” when she visited Vienna on her last trip abroad.) Carol also joined her adult daughters on trips to Canada, Mexico and Europe.
Carol made friends everywhere she lived and worked, and will be missed by many. She is survived by her daughters Karen and Pamela Inglesby.